5 ways to Identify fake Instagram Accounts


One of the most annoying things that you might face on this social media is fake accounts. Accounts that usually have weird names like ghhsdsgsd56! There is a real pain in the neck, and I can vouch for that. You may face dozens of these accounts every day, and unfortunately, their number is increasing every day. These fake Instagram accounts, which are sometimes called “spam accounts,” have become a significant problem in the new digital world. They are mainly created by people and organizations to mislead others and can pose a serious threat to social media users; they can be used to spread false or even dangerous information, attack those who are vulnerable, and even commit financial fraud.

Although Instagram protocols recognize and ban these such accounts every day, you need to recognize them and learn about the threat they pose; by reporting them, you can help Instagram eliminate these fake accounts. In this article provided by the Hidownloader team, we will talk about how to identify, report, and block these fake accounts so that they never show up again. Also, in the last part of this article, we will teach you how to use Hidownloader Private downloader to download from any private downloader, so make sure to read it carefully. 

How to spot fake Instagram Accounts?

Identifying a fake account on Instagram is very important as it will protect you from being taken advantage of by your personal information being exposed publicly. Usually, these fake Instagram accounts have similar characteristics that can help you identify them quickly. In the following, we will mention some of them.

low number of followers and posts

Usually, fake Instagram accounts have few followers and posts. This strategy is adopted deliberately so when you are doubting that an account is fake or not, this low number is a good factor to get certain.

Fake profile photo.

Another mutual characteristic of fake accounts that can help you spot them is their profile picture. Examine the profile cautiously, and if the profile picture is wonderfully attractive and too good to be true, that account can be a fake one. 

The ratio of followers and following

When you are determining whether an account is fake or not, examining the ratio of followers and the following number is crucial. When an account is fake, it will have a low number of followers and, on the other hand, have a high number of followers. This unbalanced ration can raise questions about the authenticity of the accounts and help you to find out whether it is a fake account on Instagram or not.

Little engagement rate

These fake accounts on Instagram will have a low engagement rate despite their high number of followers. It is because they have got or maybe purchased fake followers. They try to artificially increase the number of followers, but based on the Instagram algorithm, they cannot increase the engagement rate.

Generic posts

These fake accounts on Instagram will have a low engagement rate despite their high number of followers. It is because they have got or maybe purchased fake followers. They try to artificially increase the number of followers, but based on the Instagram algorithm, they cannot increase the engagement rate.

How to spot fake Instagram Accounts?
How to spot fake Instagram Accounts?

Fake and inconsistent Bio

Fake accounts on Instagram usually copy the bios of other accounts or make a few changes. They do not cony any information; they do not have any personal touch and uniqueness that you can see in a genuine account. So, this can be a sign to spot a fake account. Usually, there are extra letters, numbers or punctuational marks on the Bio or username. These fake Bios usually contain lots of Emojis, Hashtags, and weird sentences that are like machine-written words.

Spammy Message

The fake Instagram account usually sends spammy messages to other users on the platform and tries to encourage them to visit their page or website. These messages are usually related to one of these topics: sexual content, crypto schemes, cash sales and content like this.

Random Comments on Posts

Fake accounts on Instagram usually write down comments under different posts that are irrelevant to the content. Sometimes, they share posts that are unrelated to their Bio and name. If you come across such comments or posts, first check out their page, and if you are sure that it is a fake account, clock and repost them.

How to block a fake accounts on Instagram

After realizing that an account is a fake Instagram account, your job is to block it immediately. You have two methods to block these accounts:

  • Block and Report Them via Their Profile
  • Block and Report Them via DMs

Block fake Instagram account through the profile

To block a fake account on Instagram using the profile page, follow these steps:

  • Go to the account’s profile page and click on the three dots icon in the top right
  • choose “Block” from the menu
  • Confirm that you want to block the user
  • The fake accounts on Instagram will be blocked

If you realize that the account is not full and you want to unblock it, go to your profile feed and tap the settings and privacy. Then, find the BLOCKED tap, and there, you can unblock them.

Block fake Instagram account through DMs

When you receive a DM from any account on Instagram that is not one of your followers, they will be in the” Request” tab, and there you can see them. When you tap on the message they have sent, you can see a three-option table that blocks, deletes, or accepts their request. If you realize that the account is fake, by clicking on the block and then confirming it, you can block the account.

How to find out who’s behind a fake Instagram account?

There are a few methods that can help you find out who is behind a fake account. The first method is that you guess who might do such a thing and look for any information that can lead to that person; by checking their follower and following or any other helpful clue.

The second method is to go to the Instagram logging page and choose “Get help signing in” or “Forgot password” and enter the username. After doing this, Instagram will ask you about the way to contact you and send the recovery code. If the person behind the fake account had created it with his or her phone number, then you can see the last 2 digits of their mobile number. Now check your content list to see who has a similar ending. But of course, you cannot be sure 100 percent whether someone with a similar clue has created the fake account or not.

How to download from a private account?

The Hidownloader team provides you with many tools that can help you download different Instagram content like save from IG Reels and Instagram photo downloader HD. But one of the greatest features of our team that makes our online services unique is our private downloader, which enables you to download videos from private accounts with the highest quality. Also, it is completely free, and you don’t have to pay for the service. To use this great and free tool, do as follows:

  • Go to the account and the video you want to download.
  • Copy its link by taping on the send icon and choosing “copy link.”
  • Search Hidownloader and choose Instagram private downloader from the tools
  • Paste the link in the first box
  • As soon as you paste the like, a code will appear in the box below that; now, choose “open tab.”
  • A pager with lots of codes will open up; select all the codes
  • Paste the links in the third box and tap on search.

By doing these steps, the video will be downloaded immediately.

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