How to use chat GPT to create a reel video?


Artificial Intelligence, or in short AI, is a branch of computer science that tries to build smart machines to perform tests appointed by humans. Artificial intelligence (AI) has advanced features that include data analysis, algorithms for recommendation, and comprehension and translation of spoken and written language. It has abilities that would normally need human intelligence, such as reasoning, learning, and acting.

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot that has lately been getting millions of attention. Since our main purpose is to use AL to make our content-creating process easier and faster, we can create reels by chat GPT, find an idea and topics for your content, summarize a very long script into a short and brief text, and use it for creating new videos, ask chat GPT to write you a poem about an irreverent topic in a Shakespeare style and millions of other tasks. All of these tasks will be done within a few seconds.

In this article, we will briefly introduce ChatGPT, how to use this incredible artificial intelligence in general, and how to create reels by chat GPT. Finally, we will teach you how to instagram reels download so that you can watch them later or even use them to create and share your own content.

What is chat GPT?
What is chat GPT?

What is chat GPT?

Chat GPT is an AI Chatbot developed by Open AI. You can talk with it and ask any question you have, as it is a natural language processing tool. You can get a lot of help using this model with tasks like coding, writing emails and articles, summarizing long texts, bullet-pointing essential parts of a text, and even providing a brief report of an hour-long video in just a few seconds.

In short, it is a chat box smarter than any living person. It knows all the data available on the internet and can search, read, and summarize it in just a few seconds. Unlike Google, where you search for a topic and results appear, and you have to read those results to find the answer to your question, this AI Chatbot can perform all the tasks for you in a flash. Chat GPT is a short form of Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer. You can ask it to give you a short essay about global warming, and it’s there, or you can provide a topic and ask for a painting for that; the result will be generated in a second, and that painting does not anywhere on the internet and ChatGPT generate it.

Imagine you are willing to establish a company in the field of teaching languages; you need to hire at least five people for different parts of the company, like content creating, teaching, or programming, and it will cost a lot; however, ChatGPT can do all the task single-handedly for you. Just ask it about each section of the business, and ChatGPT will answer all those questions and even give you some crucial tips for each part. You can even create reels by chat GPT and other content for all the social media you use.

How can you access Chat GPT?

Before discussing creating a Chat GPT account, I feel it necessary to tell you that we are still at the beginning of the AI world, and experts and engineers are still working on it; it is not perfect and flawless, and sometimes it may make some mistakes. Besides that, always check the result and change the necessary parts; for example, change its tone and phrases to make it more natural.

To access the chat GPT, you need to create an account first. To do so, go to and sign up for a new account with your email. Complete the process by verifying your account. After logging in, you need to read a chat GPT terms and agree with them. Read these terms carefully. Here you are! Welcome to the chat GPT world.

Now, you can use this model to find the answer to your question. You ask philosophical or even simple questions like what is the capital of Italy? Or what is the meaning of life? Ask it to summarize ideas or concepts, even for long texts. You can ask it to write a poem about anything.

How to use Chat GPT to create a reel video?
How to use Chat GPT to create a reel video?

How to use Chat GPT to create a reel video?

One of the most significant advantages of AI is that you can use it to come up with different ideas for your Instagram content, for example, create reels by chat GPT, ask for any help you need about Instagram, find new ideas to create content and so many questions like this. Now, I will ask Chat GPT how to create reels by chat GPT and share the result.

To use Chat GPT to create a reel, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Identify a topic or theme for your reel video. Like a how-to tutorial, a funny video, or a makeup tutorial.
  2. Open Chat GPT in a new tab or window on your web browser.
  3. Type a prompt related to your topic or theme in the chat box. For example, if you want to create a how-to tutorial about making a cake, you could type in “Create a 15-second reel video about how to make a cake.”
  4. Chat GPT will generate a response to your prompt. Examine the answer and get ideas from it for your reel video.
  5. Use your phone’s camera or another recording device to record your reel video. Be sure to follow the guidelines for Instagram reels, which include a maximum duration of 30 seconds and a minimum duration of 3 seconds.
  6. Edit your video as desired using a video editing app or software. Now, you can add effects, captions, and music to make your video more interesting.
  7. Post your reel video, and make sure to add appropriate hashtags to make it more discoverable.

Not that chat GPT can provide numerous ideas. But you shouldn’t be totally dependent on it. The best thing is to get the pictures and instructions and use your creativity and skill. Now to create reels video by chat GPT, I will ask Chat GPT to suggest music for my reel video about travelling.

It’s clear that Chat GPT is a ground-breaking tool that will have a significant effect on our future. Make sure to educate yourself about it and use it to the best when creating Instagram content.

How can I save IG reels?

Now that you have learned how to create reels by chat GPT and learned the outstanding role of this AI in content creation let me introduce a simple way to download your favorite reel videos. You need to use an online downloader to save your reel video. As you know, Instagram has recently added a download button to some of its reels; however, you cannot download all the reel videos, and even those to do will come with a watermark. Here comes our excellent free and limitless tool. Hidownloader Instagram reel downloader is an online service that helps you download any reel video you want. With the highest quality and best resolution, you can watch it anytime. This Instagram reel downloader works on any device, like a PC or smartphone, whether Android or iPhone, and you can easily use it. Just follow the steps mentioned here, and your reel video will be downloaded in a flash.

  • Get to your Instagram account and get the reel videos you want to download.
  • copy the link of the reel video you wish to download; to do so, click on the three dots and click the send icon; there you can copy the link of the reel video
  • Search Hidownloader and click on “download Instagram reels.”
  • paste the link on the Instagram reel download box,
  • click on the search button, and the video will be downloaded immediately

Sometimes, the reel video you want to download is from a private account. In this situation, you need to use Hidownloader’s private downloader. To use this unique feature, do as follows:

  • Go to Instagram and find the reel video you want to download.
  • Click on the three dots on the top right and then choose share.
  • Copy the link.
  • Go to Hidownloader and choose “Download private video.”
  • Paste the link into the download box.

After entering the link, a new link will appear automatically. Follow these steps:

  • Click on “OPEN TAB.”
  • You will see a new page with codes.
  • Select all the codes and copy them.
  • Paste the codes in the “source box.”
  • Click the search button.
  1. oldcock says

    Thanks for sharing, only GOD knows how badly I need it

  2. Abraham says

    What does GPT stand for?

  3. Shahin Rajaei says

    What can I do with chat gpt?

  4. Shahin Rajaei says

    What can I do with this?

  5. Zahra says

    How real can these videos be?

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